Clean sanitary installations at school are an absolute must: why and how do you look after it?

The cleanliness of the sanitary installations at school are often not so good. That’s according to a study by bathroom manufacturer Geberit. The figures speak for themselves:

  • 7 in 10 pupils avoid using toilets at school.
  • 60% of pupils say school toilets often stink.
  • 33% of pupils there is not always enough toilet paper available at the school sanitary.
  • 35% of parents are concerned about the cleanliness of the toilets at their child’s school.

Need for more thorough cleaning of sanitary facilities at school

These are figures you would rather not see when you send your child to school in the morning. But they are what they are. The state of school washrooms and facilities is often problematic. This not only affects children’s health, but also classroom performance. More than 8 in 10 parents and teachers therefore support stricter rules and annual inspection of school toilets, according to the same survey.

Proper sanitair in scholen is een absolute must - Multi Masters Group zorgt ervoor - clean sanitary at school is a must

Fewer illnesses, more concentration at school

With a professional cleaning partner, you no longer have to worry about this. Schools are often a breeding ground for germs. By cleaning and disinfecting regularly, you minimise the spread of pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. Immediately a win-win, because in addition to keeping your washrooms clean, you reduce the number of sick pupils and staff..

A clean and hygienic environment contributes to the well-being and productivity of both students and staff. Research has shown that a clean environment improves concentration, reduces stress and increases overall satisfaction. Thus, by creating a comfortable and healthy environment, schools can foster an atmosphere conducive to learning and performance.

A cleaner, but also greener image for your school

Besides a clean image, you can also give your school a green image with the right cleaning partner. A partner like Cleaning Masters itself takes many initiatives to reduce our ecological footprint. For example, we work with ecological products, water-saving devices and we also take initiatives to green your waste management.

Cleaning sanitary installations at school: what do you best pay attention to?

So what specific things does a professional cleaning partner take care of in your school’s washrooms? Our trained masters ensure regular cleaning of toilets, including washbasins, floors, mirrors and other surfaces. But washrooms require more than just these things. They also take care of the more ‘hidden cleaning chores’, such as door handles, tap knobs, waste bins, flush knobs any dispensers, ventilation systems and so on.

Sanitary dispensers deliver added value at school

Besides the cleaning itself, there is something else that can promote hygiene in your school’s washroom: sanitary dispensers. As specialists in the field, a professional partner like Hygi Masters takes care of all these facilities. Toilet paper, hand soap and a hand towel – that was the basic equipment of a typical toilet room for many years. To offer extra comfort to the users of your toilets, this range has expanded considerably. Hygi Masters has a complete range of dispensers and products. Air fresheners, towel dispensers, soap dispensers, toilet paper holders, trash cans, ladybins, toilet seat cleaners,… we have it all. In the colour and design that best suits your interior.

Ensure the sanitary at your school meets strict quality standards

To meet the predetermined quality requirements, you can turn to a professional cleaning partner. Regular quality checks and inspections are therefore increasingly important for schools. By periodically checking sanitation, facilities and cleaning standards, problems can be quickly identified and addressed. This not only benefits a clean and safe environment for students and staff, but also helps improve the efficiency of cleaning services.

Do you have questions about cleaning at your school? Let us know. We will be happy to give you a tailored approach to your school.

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