Sustainability report 2023: discover the initiatives and achievements of Samsic and Multi Masters Group

Samsic has presented its Sustainability report 2023. The report from our French parent company explains both its corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals, initiatives and results. And CSR and sustainability are important. Stéphanie Delamarre, Global Head of CSR – Sustainable Development at Samsic, puts it as follows: “The strong relationship between organisations’ competitiveness and their sustainability is becoming increasingly obvious.”

Duurzaamheidsrapport 2023 - Samsic - Multi Masters Group - Sustainability report - Rapport RSE

People are the focus

When we talk about CSR and sustainability, we naturally think of the climate. In that area, Samsic has very clear objectives. But to achieve them, our French parent company puts the focus on people. “At a time of changing paradigms and emerging societal aspirations, it is vital to capitalise on our greatest strength: our people,” says Thierry Geffroy, CEO of the Samsic Group, in the Sustainability report 2023.  “This is an essential objective if we are to continue to grow and rise to the new challenges of our times, while at the same time preserving our identity.”

Samsics CSR objectives

With a deliberate CSR strategy, Samsic aims to contribute to the achievement of 10 United Nations Sustainability Goals (SDGs). They are:

  • Good health and well-being (SDG 3)
  • Quality education (SDG 4)
  • Gender equality (SDG 5)
  • Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8)
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9)
  • Reduced inequalities (SDG 10)
  • Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11)
  • Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12)
  • Climate action (SDG 13)
  • Life on land (SDG 15)

4 pillars and 13 engagements

To achieve these SDGs, Samsic has delineated 4 pillars:

  1. Delivering responsible and innovative services
  2. Unleashing the potential of our resources and nurturing our talents
  3. Participating in preserving our environment
  4. Contributing to the development of a solidarity-based and sustainable society

A number of engagements are linked to each pillar, 13 in total. These apply in all 27 countries where Samsic operates. So also in Belgium at Multi Masters Group. You will discover which commitments are linked to the 4 pillars in the Sustainability report 2023.

Sustainability report 2023: the results

Anyone who delineates goals and links initiatives to them to achieve them is of course going to analyse the results. In the Sustainability report 2023, Samsic presents fine achievements from different countries.

Samsic Facility received the top prize in the ‘Efficient Operation’ category at the Intelligence for Maintenance summit in Lisbon (Portugal). In the UK, JPC by Samsic was crowned laureate in the ‘ESG Partner’ and ‘Partner for Sustainable Development’ categories at the Premises & Facilities Management Awards. Our Polish colleagues were awarded the ‘Nature-friendly company’ certificate. And in France, Samsic ranked second among ‘Innovation leaders’ in the ‘Professional services’ category.

Inclusion and the fight against illiteracy

Those awards are obviously nice, but there is much more. The facilities sector employs many low-skilled people. That is why Samsic is strongly committed to the fight against illiteracy. Meanwhile, more than 600 employees have already learned to read and write better thanks to the #stopillettrisme action.

Inclusion is also high on the priority list within our group. In 2023, for instance, Samsic gave as many as 184 people with disabilities a permanent contract in France alone. You will find many more examples from the 27 countries where Samsic operates in the Sustainability Report 2023.

+65% ecological products and materials

As Samsic’s largest division outside France, Multi Masters Group cannot, of course, be left out. The report also highlights some of our initiatives and achievements. For instance, in the Sustainability report 2023, you will find a contribution on our use of environmentally friendly products and materials. This increased by as much as 65% between 2021 and 2023. An achievement we can be proud of.

Another initiative is our collaboration with the organisation Made Blue. Through the use of the cleaning machine I-mop, Samsic and Multi Masters Group’s cleaning teams automatically collect clean drinking water for projects in developing countries. In total, this enabled us to donate more than 6 million litres of water to charity.

And then there are numerous sustainable initiatives that were not covered in this year’s Sustainability report. Just think of our cooperation with River Cleanup and our support for dorcas gazelles.

Discover even more in the Sustainability report 2023

If you want to find out more about Multi Masters Group and Samsic’s sustainable efforts (think about the ‘Caring for forests’ project, for example), click on the button below.

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